The Return of the Pernambuco Holly: A Rediscovery Tale in Brazil’s Urban Jungle

In the bustling urban heart of Igarassu, Brazil, a miraculous discovery has unfolded: the Pernambuco Holly, a tree species believed to have vanished from the face of the Earth nearly two centuries ago, has been found alive and thriving.

A Lost Gem in the Urban Wilderness 

The 'Ilex sapiiformis', commonly known as the Pernambuco Holly, was a species consigned to the annals of botanical history. Its last sighting was in the 1800s, leading scientists to label it extinct. But in a twist befitting a mystery novel, an expedition exploring the urban landscapes of Igarassu, once dense tropical rainforest land, stumbled upon this botanical treasure.

Re:wild, the conservation group behind the discovery, could hardly contain their excitement. In an Instagram post, they highlighted the magnitude of their find: “The Pernambuco Holly is one of our top 25 most wanted lost species.”

Re:wild's Quest for the "Lost" 

Since launching their Search for Lost Species in 2017, Re:wild, in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has identified over 2,200 species across 160 countries that had disappeared from scientific records for at least a decade, with some being lost for much longer. Their goal? Rediscover and ensure the survival of these missing links of our planet's biodiversity.

The Pernambuco Holly marked their ninth success, joining an exclusive list of the top 25 rediscovered species. Their global search has reignited hope in the conservation community, showcasing that nature, sometimes, hides its secrets in plain sight.

The Moment of Discovery 

Juliana Alencar, a member of the expedition, captured the collective sentiment best: “It seemed that the world had stopped turning its gears… Finding a species that hasn't been seen in nearly two centuries doesn't happen every day. It was an incredible moment.” For her and her team, the discovery was akin to reconnecting with a family member known only through ancient portraits.

Yet, this discovery is just the beginning. The expedition, led by Gustavo Martinelli, aims to not only identify more of these elusive trees but also initiate a breeding program. Their partnership with local entities is crucial in both rediscovering and ensuring the future of such species.

A Beacon of Hope in Conservation 

The discovery in Igarassu serves as a poignant reminder of the world's ever-evolving relationship with nature. What was once a dense tropical forest became an urban hub, where remnants of the past still find a way to survive.

But it's not just about celebrating this single rediscovery. The Pernambuco Holly's story stands as a beacon of hope, reinforcing the belief that with concerted efforts, dedication, and a touch of serendipity, the lost pages of nature's book can be rewritten.

As the world grapples with rapid biodiversity loss, stories like the Pernambuco Holly bring to light the importance of continued exploration, conservation, and respect for the environment. The tree's return from obscurity is not just a victory for the conservationists at Re:wild but a triumph for all who believe in the resilience and wonders of nature.
