Wolves are protected: Ukraine is preparing legislative measures to protect forest orderlies

In Ukraine, they plan to amend the current legislation “On Game Management and Hunting”, prohibiting the capture and shooting of wolves.

Protecting Wildlife: Legal Initiatives for the Conservation of Wolves in Ukraine

Such actions are required to conserve these predatory animals, the number of which, according to official data, in Ukraine is about two thousand, said Marina Surkova, president of the Animal Welfare Association of Ukraine. Surkova noted that in recent years the number of wolves has been declining sharply,thus, it becomes imperative to implement measures aimed at safeguarding these animals. "In 15 European nations, the wolf is included in the Red Book and is completely under protection.

In five other countries, wolves are partially safeguarded and included in the list of hunting objects. And only in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, and North Macedonia, wolves are exterminated as pests,” Marina says. According to her, it’s about humanity and the right attitude towards living nature.

Animal activist Marina Surkova also highlights Ukraine's infringement of the Berne Convention, which forbids wolf hunting and the sale of its skin, as well as the terms of its ratification. According to this document, the  wolf was listed among the animals requiring rigorous protection. However, the Law of Ukraine “On Game Management and Hunting” states in Article 33 that shooting and catching wolf hunting is conducted by hunters without any supervision or limitations . “The practice of hunting and game breeding is disgraceful. It can be likened to the actions of serial killers targeting the vulnerable. The real concern is how long will society be lenient towards this,” Marina Surkova emphasized.

Preparation of bills to protect wild animals: new initiatives from the URSA organization

Marina Ivanyusko, a lawyer for the animal protection organization URSA, said that bills are currently being prepared to regulate the protection of wild animals. In particular, suggested altering the existing legislation “On Game Management and Hunting”, as well as to provide for liability for those who will carry out shooting. According to First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Alexander Krasnolutsky, currently there is an acute problem of animal conservation, especially in conditions of a full-scale war. “There exists a roster of animals categorized as pests. Nevertheless, this is wrong. Distinguishing who is harmful and who is not is a Soviet legacy. We are striving to conserve biodiversity in Ukraine, as each organism holds significance for the global ecosystem. ,” noted Alexander Krasnolutsky. Vladimir Boreyko, Director of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center, emphasized that wolves are not regarded as pests; instead, they play a beneficial role in nature. He highlighted that they eliminate sick animals, prey on rodents, and do not pose any threat to humans, in comparison with other animals, they are less likely to suffer from rabies.